It’s an usual bag, but we welcome all kinds of Replica Celine Handbags. The Celine Triangle Bag is just as its name says – it got a triangle shape.
Unusual bags with unique designs do get special attentions. The bag is not only distinctive in design, but also practical to use as an everyday bag. The bag features a front flap. The flap is embellished with the house’s signature ‘CELINE’ in large lettering.
There are different styles available though, for example the Triomphe print in canvas. You can also choose to have the Hermes Replica Bags in calfskin leather. You can carry the bag on the shoulder or cross body thanks to the long knotted strap. The interior comes with 1 large main compartment and it can fit all your daily essentials.
Maybe this is also important to know, the flap is made with a magnetic closure. The strap is 22’ inch drop. There are 2 materials available:
Canvas Triangle Bag in Canvas
Size: 8’ x 6’ x 2’ inches
Prices: $970 USD, €750 EUR, £730 GBP, $1450 SGD, $8300 HKD, $1550 AUD, ¥121000 JPN, 7900 CNY
Celine Triangle Bag in Calfskin
Size: 8’ x 6’ x 2’ inches
Prices: $1250 USD, €850 EUR, £790 GBP, $1600 SGD, $9300 HKD, $1550 AUD, ¥148500 JPN, 8300 CNY